Council has, for the first time, prepared an integrated draft Council Plan, that incorporates the:

  • Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plan
  • 10-year Financial Plan
  • Strategic Resource Plan
  • annual Budget.

The integration of Council’s planning, budget and resource allocation process ensures strong alignment between the Council's strategic priorities, and its services, programs and projects.

The draft plan sets a 10-year direction for the City, with a four-year focus on the specific actions Council will undertake to work towards achieving this direction. This longer term focus is needed to ensure Council can respond to the opportunities and challenges the City faces (including climate change, significant population growth, increasing urban density and legislative changes such as rate capping) in a way that enhances Port Phillip as a place to live, work and visit.

The draft plan is structured to include the following four chapters and key sections.

Chapter 1: Port Phillip today

Chapter one includes:
  • profiles of our City, our people and our health and wellbeing
  • an overview of seven challenges facing the city:
    • climate change
    • population growth
    • urbanisation
    • transport and parking
    • legislative and policy influences
    • economic conditions
    • and the rapid evolution of technology.

Chapter 2: Our future focus

Chapter two includes a vision, six directions and 17 outcomes, which together represent the strategic priorities of the Council.

Direction 1: We embrace difference, and people belong is supported by the following outcomes:

  • a safe and active community with strong social connections
  • an increase in affordable housing
  • access to services that support the health and wellbeing of our growing community
  • community diversity is valued and celebrated.

Direction 2: We are connected and it’s easy to move around is supported by the following outcomes:

  • an integrated transport network that connects people and places
  • the demand for parking and car travel is moderated as the city grows
  • our streets are designed for people.

Direction 3: We have smart solutions for a sustainable future is supported by the following outcomes:

  • a greener, cooler and more liveable city
  • a city with lower carbon emissions
  • a city that is adapting and resilient to climate change
  • a water sensitive city
  • a sustained reduction in waste.

Direction 4: We are growing and keeping our character is supported by the following outcomes:

  • a liveable, higher density city
  • a city of diverse and distinctive neighbourhoods and places.

Direction 5: We thrive by harnessing creativity is supported by the following outcomes:

  • a city of dynamic and distinctive retail precincts
  • a prosperous city that connects and grows business
  • a city where arts, culture and creative expression is part of everyday life.

Direction 6: ‘Our Commitment to you’:

Direction 6 is expressed as ‘Our Commitment to you’ and outlines how the organisation will underpin the delivery of Directions 1 thru 5, being the outcomes sought for the city and the Port Phillip community. This direction articulates the following outcomes:
  • transparent governance and an actively engaged community
  • a financially sustainable, high performing and community focused organisation
  • achievement through leadership and partnerships.

Chapter 3: We are Port Phillip

Provides an overview of the City’s nine neighbourhoods, describing the people, history, available services and list of local projects to be delivered in 2017/18.

Chapter 4: Finances and Resources

  • 10-year Financial Plan and financial statements (including the Strategic Resource Plan).
  • Performance indicators
  • Rates and charges.
  • Fees and charges.

Areas of transformational change

The draft Council Plan 2017-27 identifies four areas where a sustained and significant effort by Council is required over the next 10 years, to respond to the long term challenges facing the city.

Transforming transport and parking

We will develop an Integrated Transport Strategy to provide a holistic approach to managing transport accessibility and parking in a growing city.

Transforming Fishermans Bend

We will plan for exemplary urban renewal at Fishermans Bend.

Transforming water management

We will develop an Integrated Water Cycle Management Framework.

Transforming waste management

We will complete a Waste Management and Resource Recovery Strategy.

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