Council set out to engage the community in a way that we have never done before. This in-depth engagement process involved many methods capturing over 2,000 pieces of feedback.

Community survey

A survey was the primary method of engagement with the Port Phillip community. Multiple formats were produced to allow for accessibility. 651 surveys were completed.

Avatar survey

A series of value based questions were asked and an avatar character was allocated to each participant. There were seven potential avatars. 619 avatars were completed.

Special focus workshops

Four evening workshops were held to focus on the areas of water, diversity and inclusion, waste management and transport and parking. A series of information packs and videos were developed for these workshops. A total of 128 participants attended the workshops and about 300 people had registered their interest to attend.

Online discussion forum

An online discussion forum based on the special focus workshop questions ran throughout the engagement period. A series of information packs and videos were developed to inform discussion. There were 189 visits to the discussion forum with 173 contributions made by 22 contributors.

Pop-up conversations

Councillors and Officers were out and about at a number of locations across the municipality during February. Pop-up conversations were held in six different locations (as below). Participants were invited to participate in the community survey and avatar, and a chatter wall enabled participants to write comments to the question “Thinking about our City in 10 years’ time, what are the things you value most and want to keep?” 305 people contributed to the chatter wall with 479 ideas.

  • Veg Out Farmers Market (4 February)
  • Elwood Farmers Market (11 February)
  • Gasworks Farmers Market (18 February)
  • South Melbourne Market (19 February)
  • Near Coles Port Melbourne (21 February)
  • Hank Marvin Market (25 February)

Engagement with targeted groups

Officers worked with established networks to facilitate conversations about the new Council Plan. 450 participants were reached from Indigenous, culturally and linguistically diverse, older people, faith-based communities, and youth and children groups.

Read about the community’s ideas and feedback in the Engagement Findings Report