Project Update
Detailed design of the park is now complete. Council will commence the construction tender process at the end of October. We anticipate construction to begin in March 2023.
Community feedback
From 18 November to 11 December, we heard from 88 respondents online and approximately 40 people at pop-up events.
Click here to read the full engagement report on what we heard from our community.
During this engagement period we heard support for:
- the space to be used as an extension of school grounds during school hours
- maintaining a connection with the school
- more trees, shade and grassed areas.
During this engagement period, we heard concern about:
- the proposed fence separating the school and the park
- access to the school by the community during school hours
- the sporting opportunities provided in the area; students wanted more basketball and soccer facilities.
The Final Concept Plan was amended in line with feedback we received from the community.
Key changes include:
- Park fencing will now link to the school fencing.
- The park will be fully fenced, with a gate between the school and the park.
- All seating and the shelter are now located within the fence boundary.
- The pedestrian footpath along the school boundary has been removed.
- More playable space has been created with the park extended to the school boundary.
We heard from the community at the following stages to develop the design:
- Inception for design: 5 August – 4 September 2022
- Draft Concept Plan: 18 November to 11 December 2022
Full engagement summary reports are included in the Document Library on this page.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to provide feedback.
Moubray Street Community Park
Final Concept Plan

Moubray Street Community Park is supported by the Victorian Government through the Suburban Parks Program.