We're improving accessibility, enhancing nature
play, and providing top-quality amenities at the park
The Alma Park East playspace was constructed over 10 years ago and now requires an upgrade to ensure it can continue to meet the needs of our growing community. Our hope is that this park supports a diverse range of users while providing a safe, welcoming environment that meets the needs of people’s physical, social and mental health.
Project update
In November 2022, we asked you for feedback on the concept design to remove and update old furniture, remove two trees, install a new water play space, upgrade pedestrian paths and replace the BBQ plaza surface.
We heard from over 55 people during this phase of the project and have used this information to inform the Alma Park East Final Concept Plan. You can view the Final Concept Plan here.
During this engagement period we heard:
- 38% of responses related to requests for playground upgrades and improvements to the upkeep of the space. These included: request to fix the monkey bars, adding more equipment for older children, upgrading the flying fox, replacing the slide, and improving playground upkeep. A number of playground improvement works are in progress via Council’s Minor Capital Works program.Improvements to the playground include slide replacement, soft fall repairs and replacement of the monkey bars.
- 57% of responses raised issues relating to accessibility. Areas of discussion included providing accessible paths for people with disability, connecting the play areas with an accessible path.
- a desire for more seating throughout the park and seating that could accommodate large groups. Large sized picnic tables have been added to the design to accommodate larger groups who use the park for gathering.
- 9% of respondents commented on issues relating to increasing planting and habitat opportunities in the park.
A mapping tool was provided to request nominations of preferred locations for new seating and bike racks. Council responded to this feedback by locating these new amenities.
We also asked the community ‘what plant sizes and types would you like to see around the park?’ a small majority wanted medium shrubs (37%) followed by low groundcovers (31%) and medium – large shrubs (22%). Council has incorporated this feedback in the plant selections proposed for the design. The plant schedule for the project can be found here.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to provide feedback.
You can read about the Alma Park East upgrade community engagement report here
Next steps
The project will now progress to the tender phase and we anticipate construction will begin in May 2023.