Port Phillip is designing a new policy for children in the municipality. The 5 September 2018 Council meeting marked a big step in the right direction for Children’s Service in Port Phillip when Council successfully endorsed the Children’s Services Policy objectives. These are:

  1. Council will work with partners to ensure that every child, regardless of their abilities or background, will have access to affordable, safe, accessible, quality Early Years services to support development to their full potential.
  2. Council will understand current and future needs of families in the city and influence the provision of Early Years services to meet the those needs.
  3. Early Years services will be financially sustainable and consistently aligned with relevant policies and legislation at the local, state and federal level.
  4. Council will encourage collaboration across all Early Years’ services.
  5. Families will have access to the services and information they need, at the times they need it, to make choices appropriate for their needs.
  6. Early Years services will be supported by safe, accessible, contemporary, fit-for-purpose, sustainable facilities and environments.
  7. Children will have access to natural environments which allow them to learn about and experience play in nature. This includes natural environments within early years services

The seven objectives were developed in consultation with the community, not for profit, independent and council children’s service providers of Port Phillip. Port Phillip children also participated in the consultation.

The success of this decision has reinforced the strength of our community’s voice in defining priorities and provides a clear direction for the future of Children’s Services in Port Phillip.