We asked for your feedback about outdoor commercial recreation activities in the City of Port Phillip. We heard from a broad range of views, from operators, residents, visitors, beach goers and commercial recreation services consumers.
We received responses from:
- 137 community members through the online survey hosted on Have Your Say between 13 March and 19 April 2017
- Eight West Beach users at a drop in session on 15 March 2017
- Eight licence holders by interview on various dates
- Three industry groups by interview on various dates
- Four management authorities by interview on various dates
Overall the feedback received was generally positive with comments like:
Some other key information we obtained include:
- Respondents reported exercise, swimming and passive recreation (i.e. sunbaking) as the most popular activities undertaken on the foreshore
- Most use the foreshore in the later afternoon between 4-6pm (closely followed by 2-4pm and 6-8pm)
- The majority rated their use of the foreshore as either ‘good’ or ‘excellent, however they also rated the ‘business’ of the beach as ‘OK’ or ‘a little busy’
- The majority of respondents noted that they hadn’t used any of the commercial recreation activities, however Kiteboarding was the most popular commercial recreation activity
Next steps
Community feedback has helped us further understand the current state of Commercial Recreation within the municipality, including issues, opportunities and future usage.
This feedback will shape the preparation of any future changes to the Commercial Recreation Policy.