We are updating our Community Engagement Policy to improve how you can share feedback when Council decisions are being made that impact or interest you. Our current Community Engagement Policy is due to expire in 2025.
Complete this 5-minute survey and let us know what would make it easier for you to share feedback.
How can the community influence this project?
What can be influenced?
- How we put the five principles of community engagement into practice.
- How we make it easier for our community to share feedback on decisions that impact them
What can't be changed?
- The definition of community engagement
- The principles of community engagement
- The use of deliberative community engagement: Councils must, at a minimum, apply their community engagement policy in the development of the following:
- community vision
- council plan
- financial plan
- asset plan
- Compliance with relevant legislation
This policy will not include detailed procedures around how we implement the policy.