A recent focus for Council has been assessing what needs to be done to help foster community resilience to a changing climate and extreme weather incidents. On Thursday evening (4/3/2010), Council hosted a community workshop presenting local assessment data and climate projections. The analysis of this data was followed by presentations and group discussions about the strategies Council intends to pursue to adapt to climate change.

A recent focus for Council has been assessing what needs to be done to help foster community resilience to a changing climate and extreme weather incidents. On Thursday evening (4/3/2010), Council hosted a community workshop presenting local assessment data and climate projections. The analysis of this data was followed by presentations and group discussions about the strategies Council intends to pursue to adapt to climate change.

Council has released for public comment and feedback three DRAFT planning documents: (i) Draft Climate Adaptation Plan; (ii) Draft Water Plan - Toward a Water Sensitive City; and (iii) Draft Open Space Water Plan. .

Strategies included in these draft plans address climate proofing buildings; managing floods; beach protection, greening neighbourhoods and streets to reduce heat stress; protecting health and well-being, particularly those more vulnerable to extreme temperatures and flooding; water harvesting; rain gardens; grey water and wastewater treatment systems, etc. Click here for more information, view the plans, give your your feedback, and join the on-line discussions.