Council is currently reviewing the second year of the 2009-2013 Council Plan and preparing its annual budget. 

You can email comments to or drop into one of the remaining local conversation tents being hosted by the Mayor and councillors. 

Council is currently reviewing the second year of the 2009-2013 Council Plan and preparing the annual budget. Council encourages comment and ideas regarding existing and emerging priorities for its second year of this plan.
Click here to download the 2009-2013 Council Plan.

You can email comments to or drop into one of the remaining local conversation tents being hosted by the Mayor and councillors.

Sat 13 March - Bay Street, Port Melb(outside Coles) - 9.00am-12.00pm

Sun 14 March - Carlise St, Balaclava (outside Priceline) - 11.00-2.00pm

Sat 20 March - Gasworks Farmers Market, Albert Park - 8.30am-11.30am

For more information, contact Council Planning and Performance on

9209 6503