Council recently sought feedback to identify a preferred species of trees for new plantings in Grey Street.  Consultation has closed and the results have been tallied.

Eighty responses were received. The most preferred tree selection was Hymenosporum flavum (Native Frangipani) and the new planting plan reflects community feedback.  

In summary, the preference results were as follows:

  • Hymenosporum flavum (Native Frangipani) 41.5%
  • Corymbia ficifolia ‘Wild Sunset’ (Dwarf Red Flowering Gum) 33.9%
  • Fraxinus Cimmaron TM (Cimmaron Ash) 20.7%
  • Gleditsia ‘Elegantissima’ (Honey Locust Cultivar) 3.7%

Note: the total doesn’t add up to 100% because some respondents selected only their first preference of tree.

How many new trees will be planted?
Eighty-one new trees will be planted:

  • sixty Native Frangipani trees will be planted in the pavement on both sides of Grey Street.
  • five trees will be removed and replaced, and one tree will be removed and will not be replaced. The planting plan illustrates all trees.
  • twenty-one Fraxinus angustifolia subsp. oxycarpa (Claret Ash) trees will be planted in the centre of the road to compliment the existing ash plantings in the roadway. 


Next Steps
Council will order the required quantities of trees and arrange for planting to commence in winter. Those who live and/or work along Grey Street will receive a letter box drop prior to the commencement of planting.

Thank you to the residents, traders and visitors who participated in the consultation process, especially those who met with our staff at the two on-site consultation dates.

For further information, contact Rob Angel, Landscape Architect, Parks and Open Spaces team, City of Port Phillip.  Ph 9209 6152



When will planting start?
Tree planting is due to commence in winter 2010.