This consultation has concluded.
We're reviewing the Council Plan. Come along to one of our conversation tents in February and March 2014, or leave your comments in the online suggestions box, and help shape the future direction of Port Phillip.
One of the first tasks of all new councils is to develop a Council Plan that sets the strategic direction for the next four years.
Thanks to everyone who came along to one of our seven conversation tents or took part in our online discussion forum, We learnt a lot about what residents think our priorities should be.
Following this consultation Council drafted a Council Plan 2013-17 and draft 2013/14 Budget. Submissions on the drafts were received and heard at the Council meeting on Tuesday 11 June 2013. Thank you to everyone who provided their feedback.
The plan outlines a vision for the City focused on four areas:
ENGAGED – A Well-Governed City
HEALTHY – A Healthy, Creative and Inclusive City
RESILIENT – A Resilient City
VIBRANT – A Vibrant City
Visit our website to view the Council Plan 2013-17 and draft 2013/14 Budget.
For more information
For more information contact Chris Sager, Council Planning and Performance on 9209 6326 or email