What is the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Framework?
The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Framework (Framework) is an operational document, that has been developed to bring together Council's aspirations, commitments and actions to progress equity in City of Port Phillip. It aligns our commitments to diversity, equity and inclusion in both the community and the workplace and is underpinned by a vision, strategic pillars and principles to support our design, development and implementation of programs, services and policies. that impact on the diversity.
This is a major initiative in the Integrated Council Plan 2021-2031.
Our policies, action plans and commitments that sit within the Framework:
- Accessibility Action Plan 2023-2026
- Gender Equality Action Plan 2022-2025
- Gender Impact Assessments
- LGBTIQA+ Action Plan 2023-2026
- Statement of Commitment to Multicultural Communities
- Positive Ageing Policy 2023-2027
- Reconciliation Action Plan (draft)
The Framework will help to guide an integrated approach to delivering and tracking our progress on these commitments.
How to give my feedback
What has happened so far?
The Diversity Equity and Inclusion and Organisational Development teams have worked collaboratively to develop this Framework, so that we can bring together our commitments to diversity, equity and inclusion for both our workforce and our community.
The draft Framework has been drawn from existing policy, action plan commitments and engagement that was completed to develop these. We've also incorporated overarching measures, monitoring and reporting to guide this work in a more integrated and holistic way.
This work is being guided by the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Steering Committee, an internal group with a membership of staff with expertise and diverse lived experience. They provide oversight of Council’s diversity, equity and inclusion agenda both within the organisation and in the community. A key reason for the Steering Committee being set up, is to oversee the development and implementation of the Framework and provide guidance to associated Action Plans.
What will we do with the feedback?
The feedback provided from this engagement will be considered and incorporated, where possible, into the Framework for ELT endorsement.