Our dedicated panel members met online on Monday 19 June to begin deliberating on the City of Port Phillip Dog Off-Leash Guidelines.

After splitting into small groups, getting to know each other a bit and our reasons for wanting to join the community panel, we discussed what we each need in order for us to do our best work during the series of workshops.

Despite coming from a range of backgrounds and experiences with dogs, we shared a lot of commonalities and were all here to work towards a great approach to dog off leash guidelines in the City of Port Phillip.

In this workshop, we covered:

  • Panel members' role & the process
  • Background information and key findings from the community engagement
  • What's in and out of scope of this project
  • Dog data by neighbourhood
  • Where our dog parks, dog off-leash areas, shared sports reserves & dog friendly beaches are
  • Benchmarking against other councils
  • What additional information panel members feel they need to find out.

You can view the presentation slides from Workshop 1 below.

Next workshop (Sunday 25 June, Council Chambers, St Kilda Town Hall, 9.30am-12.30pm) we will be hearing new additional information and more about the Guidelines, and workshopping the Principles.