Consultation has concluded
Concept plan now available
A new park is being planned for the Emerald Hill Precinct.
Following the purchase of land at 26-34 Emerald Hill Place (behind the Emerald Hill Library), Council has been working with the local community to design a new local park.
Concept plan
Community feedback has helped inform our final concept plan. Take a look at the concept plan and consultation summary to find out how the community's feedback informed the plan.
Consultation closed
Thanks to everyone who gave us feedback and ideas at our focus groups and those who completed our survey.
Review the final concept plan and consultation summary.
Consultation for the new park began in late 2012 with a survey exploring the community’s ideas for the park. Thank you to those who participated.
A further round of consultation was held from 25 February to 17 March, via focus groups and a survey. The feedback received is currently being collated and a summary will be available on this site in coming weeks.
In addition, on Monday 25 and Tuesday 26 March 2013, Council officers held a two-day design workshop at the site, so that community members could come along to observe and inform the design process.
Find out more about the community feedback and how it helped inform the concept plan.
Temporary pop up park
Council has installed a temporary pop up park on the site for the community to enjoy while planning for the future of the site continues.
More information
If you'd like to be kept informed of any project updates, please email us at
For more information contact Ashlee Rinaldi, Project Manager, via ASSIST on 03 9209 6777 or email