Emerald Hill Master Plan

Council adopted the Emerald Hill Master Plan in April 2012.

Click below links to view the master plan:

Consultation on the Emerald Hill Master Plan

The Master Plan was developed following extensive community consultation including a stakeholder meeting held on the 28 November 2011, two public information sessions held on 1 December and 6 December 2011 and an online survey.

The master plan builds on Council's vision for Emerald Hill and includes:

  • a focus on the heritage of the precinct
  • principles for contextual and sensitive design
  • significant areas of soft landscaping
  • a reduction of car parking, staged to manage car parking demand in the precinct
  • more uses to enable community access to more parts of the Town Hall
  • integrated public art

Outcomes of the consultation

Most submissions either supported the draft Master Plan or offered qualified support with suggested changes which were accommodated by changes made to the Master Plan. These are discussed in detail in the consultation summary.

The online survey received four responses. The majority of community responses were captured during the stakeholder meeting and information sessions. Two late written submissions were also received on 31 January 2012.

In total, 19 submissions were received one from South Port Community Housing Group, three from art organisations, six from local business owners and nine from residents.

Some of the concerns that were raised during the consultation on the Vision have been resolved through the preparation of the revised Master Plan. These include:

  • the significance of the heritage of the precinct and the appropriateness of contemporary design
  • the extent of green/soft landscaping compared to hardstand
  • care to be taken in any additions to the South Melbourne Town Hall.

The consultation feedback indicates that there is continuing support for:

  • the incorporation of public art
  • a vibrant culture and creating increased activity in Emerald Hill’s public space

Some new requests to add to the Master Plan have been received:

  • the need to improve accessibility of public spaces and building entrances
  • for the inclusion of a public housing history of Emerald Hill precinct.

For more information please contact Elena Kalnin, Place Manager Activity Centres on 9209 6169 or email ekalnin@portphillip.vic.gov.au