This consultation has concluded.
The City of Port Phillip plans to expand and refurbish the current Emerald Hill Library to become the Emerald Hill Library & Heritage Centre. This project will provide: more space for library services; more books, DVDs and CDs; a new focus for local history and cultural heritage services; and better access for community groups.
Proposed plans were available for consultation until Monday 28 November 2011. Council considered feedback received and public submissions on the project at its ordinary Council meeting on 28 November. At a public meeting on 12 December 2011, Council resolved to proceed to develop a detailed design for the Emerald Hill Library and Heritage Centre, based on the concept design with minor amendments.
You can view the proposed plans, artist's impressions, the fact sheet and services information sheet in the library section on the right of this page.
For more information, please contact Libby Hart on or phone 9209 6615.