About the project

The Fair Access in Sport Policy and Action Plan project is designed to support women and girls in sport. This project is in response to the Fair Access in Sport Policy Roadmap developed by the Office for Women in Sport and Recreation, in partnership with Sport and Recreation Victoria and VicHealth.

Update 14 June 2024

Fair Access Policy and Action Plan adopted by Council.

The Fair Access in Sport Policy and Action Plan were adopted at a Council meeting on Wednesday 5 June 2024.

You are invited to read the final Fair Access in Sport Policy and Fair Access in Sport Action Plan. You can also read the minutes from the Council meeting here.

Thank you once again to all clubs and community members who helped shape these documents and participated in our engagement activities.

About the engagement period (February - March 2024)

Please note: The information below relates to the community consultation period that was open 9 February to 24 March 2024, relating to the draft Fair Access in Sport Policy and Action Plan. To read a full summary of what we did and what we heard, you can read the Engagement Report from April 2024.

In May 2023, a survey was sent to sports clubs in Port Phillip, asking about participation in sports for women and girls. 57% of clubs responded to the survey. We heard that:

  • There are less women and girls participating in formal sports than for men and boys
  • There are a low number of women in committee roles and coaching roles
  • There are currently no senior women’s cricket teams in Port Phillip
  • Most sports clubs consider the fairness of facility allocations (e.g. sportsground, court, pitch, training nets) for women and girls sport when planning their schedules.

In February and March of 2024, clubs and community were invited to provide feedback on a draft Fair Access in Sport Policy and Action Plan. An Engagement Report is available on this page which summarises what we did, and what we heard from clubs and community members.

We used information gathered from our 2023 survey with clubs (mentioned in 'What's happened so far', above) to guide the development of a draft Policy and Action Plan.

This includes a focus on:

  1. Providing community sports infrastructure and environments that are genuinely welcoming, safe, and inclusive.
  2. Ensuring women and girls can fully participate in all aspects of community sport and active recreation, including as a player, coach, administrator, official, volunteer and spectator.
  3. Adopting and implementing gender equitable access and use practices for all community sport infrastructure.
  4. Ensuring sports clubs in our community engage women and girls in leadership and governance roles.

We will also use the survey results to track future changes that happen because of the Policy and Action Plan.

Read the draft 'Fair Access in Sport' Policy & Action Plan

The draft Policy outlined our commitment to support women and girls to have fair opportunities to engage in sport.

The draft Action Plan identified how Council and clubs can support change, including removing barriers for women and girls to participate.

Tell us your feedback

Register for an online information session (events are now past)