In June and July 2016, Council sought feedback on proposed rezoning and road closures required to create a new community park in the Montague Precinct, Fishermans Bend.

Council proposed the following changes to the Port Phillip Planning Scheme to reflect the future use of the land at 2-4 Buckhurst Street as the new Montague Community Park.

  • Rezone 2-4 Buckhurst Street from Capital City Zone (CCZ) to Public Park and Recreation Zone (PPRZ) to reflect the use of the site as a park.
  • Apply a Road Closure Overlay (RXO) to permanently close sections of Kerr Street, Gladstone Street and Ferrars Street to increase the size of the park. The closed roads would also be rezoned to Public Park and Recreation Zone.

Following the feedback provided at the Council meetings on 9 and 23 August, Council undertook further engagement from community members who responded to the earlier consultation in June and July, to determine how to create Montague Community Park.

A Council Report responding to the issues raised in submissions, plus a recommended option for the planning scheme amendment to create Montague Community Park was presented at the Council Meeting on 13 September 2016.