Update: Engagement Report available

Thank you to everyone who provided valuable insights, experiences, and creative ideas. We've reviewed and collated the feedback you provided. You can read the Engagement Report or find it in the document library on the right-hand side of this page.


As a valued City of Port Phillip's arts partner, Gasworks Arts Park is eagerly seeking your input to invigorate and refine its offerings ahead of its upcoming 40th anniversary in 2026.

Whether you're a regular visitor or have never visited Gasworks before, we invite you to contribute your valuable insights, experiences, and creative ideas to help us curate a schedule of vibrant, inclusive performances and events.

Together, let's ensure that Gasworks Arts Park realises its fullest potential for this landmark celebration.

Gasworks Arts Park are seeking your feedback!

Tell us what makes Gasworks Arts Park special, what you would like to see presented there, or what changes could be made to encourage you to visit.


Council supports Gasworks Arts Park with a current 2020-2030 funding agreement, and a rental subsidy.

Council remains committed to its existing funding agreement with Gasworks Arts Park, and is not seeking to amend or cut funding.


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Feedback Opens

    From Wednesday 28 February 2024 to Sunday 21 April 2024

  • Timeline item 2 - active

    Reviewing your feedback

    April/May 2024

  • Timeline item 3 - incomplete

    Reporting findings - June/July 2023

    We'll report back to you what our community told us, and how we'll use this information.