This consultation is now closed. Thank you for your feedback. A report will be provided to Council on the 16th of November.

Why Council's governance rules are changing

The Local Government Act 2020 required Council to change its Governance Rules with regards to attendance at meetings through remote (virtual) means.

On 19 August 2020 Council resolved to adopt the new Governance Rules. These rules have been in effect since that time.

Key changes to the Governance Rules

The main changes to the governance rules focus on Attendance and Remote (Virtual) Meetings and include:

  1. The setting of virtual and online meetings and attendance meetings.
  2. The process for a Councillor to request to attend electronically for an attendance meeting.

There have also been some minor clarifications and updates to:

  • make it clear that the Mayor can only be elected with an absolute majority of votes
  • allow the acceptance of electronic petitions, joint letters and memorials
  • reflect the repeal of certain provisions in the Local Government Act 1989
  • adopt more gender neutral language.

How to have your say

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These are the people that are listening and responding to your questions.

Dinesh Mathew

Engagement Advisor

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