Update: October 19 2022
Safety Improvements Trial at Kerferd Road
At the Ordinary Council Meeting of 19 October 2022, Council endorsed the following resolution in relation to the Kerferd Road Safety Improvement Trial (link to Council Report).
That Council:
3.1 Notes that the trial closure of the intersection of Kerferd Road and Herbert/Montague Streets has met objectives to:
3.1.1 Improve safety at the intersection for all road users;
3.1.2 Deter through traffic and;
3.1.3 Encourage compliance with the speed limit.
3.2 Request that the Department of Land, Water and Planning (DELWP):
3.2.1 Work with Council officers to undertake design investigations for the intersection of Kerferd Road and Montague/Herbert Streets in the Shrine to Sea Masterplan, including testing options for opening safe traffic movements at the intersection;
3.2.2 Ensure that any proposed design aligns with the objectives of the Trial (as per 3.1 above) and addresses the safety risks outlined in the independent Road Safety Audit.
3.3 Request that DELWP prioritise the construction of the permanent outcome as part of the implementation of a final Shrine to Sea Masterplan.
3.4 Retains the traffic management changes implemented as part of the 2021 trial until further works are completed to either make the trial conditions permanent, or to allow safe traffic movements at the intersection.
3.5 Requests that Council Officers locate temporary tree planters in the disused roadway within the median during the trial extension.
The Kerferd Road Safety Improvements trial has been designed to:
- deter through traffic
- encourage compliance with the speed limit
- improve safety for people walking, bike riding and driving on local streets
The trial involved the temporary closure of the median at the intersection of Kerferd and Montague/Herbert Streets, restricting through and right turn vehicle movements.
The trial’s objectives were to deter through traffic, encourage compliance with the speed limit and improve safety for people walking, bike riding and driving on local streets. The trial was deemed necessary after an independent safety audit commissioned by Council identified the intersection of Kerferd Road and Montague/Herbert Streets as posing a safety risk, due largely to the layout of the intersection. The risks included high-speed side impact incidents.
A review of the traffic data collected following the trial’s implementation, indicate that the closure of the median at the intersection has had a positive impact on a number of the trial’s objectives including:
- A significant reduction in traffic levels along Montague and Herbert Streets,
- No crashes reported at the intersection, and
- Improved speed limit compliance.
As part of the trial’s evaluation, community members were encouraged to provide feedback via Council’s Have Your Say page and through an on-line survey on people’s experiences and perceptions.
Community views revealed that there was a strong community sentiment that improving the safety along and across Kerferd Road was important, although the immediate measures were perceived as an inconvenience to some local community members, reducing the ease of travel particularly for those destined for Bridport Street shops.
Kerferd Road is a major component of the Department of Land Water and Planning’s Shrine to Sea project. In view of this, there is a need to ensure any long-term works addressing the safety of the intersection also enables the objectives of the Shrine to Sea project to be achieved.
Whilst the temporary measures implemented as part of the trial address the immediate safety concerns at the intersection, significant changes to the Kerferd Road layout are necessary to enable the reinstatement of safe movements at this intersection. Consequently, it is considered appropriate for the legacy design of the intersection to be considered in the context of the Shrine to Sea Project. This will ensure solutions for the intersection meet safety objectives whilst also appropriately considering the strategic direction, vision, and design of the project.
Council will therefore maintain the temporary arrangements at the intersection until the Shrine to Sea project is implemented. During this period, Council will install numerous tree planters to improve the visual amenity of this area.
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