Project Update

To stay up-to-date with the project please click this link Lagoon Reserve upgrade - City of Port Phillip.

Update December 2022

Thank you for your participation in Lagoon Reserve Upgrade.

In November 2022, we asked you for feedback on the concept design to reconstruct the sports field and build a new pavilion, lighting, cricket nets, and BBQ.

We heard from over 320 people during this phase of the project.

You can read about the Lagoon Reserve Upgrade community engagement report here.


Lagoon Reserve is a popular spot for sports clubs and local residents who use the area recreationally. Due to poor soil, uneven surface, and lack of drainage, the sports field is in poor condition. This has impacted the ability of local sports clubs and community members to use the grounds. The sports fields, pavilion, and public toilet are in need of an upgrade to meet sports club and community requirements.

The redevelopment Includes:

  • Reconstructed sports field with improved levels, grass coverage, drainage, and lighting.
  • New pavilion including new player and umpire change rooms that are inclusive for all, first aid room, kitchen, multi-purpose community spaces, and accessible public toilets.
  • New cricket nets, BBQ, and picnic facilities.
  • Safer and better-lit pathways.

For more information, please view the concept designs below and FAQs on the right-hand side of this page.

In 2012 and 2013 as part of the development of the Park Plan, we engaged with our community. This included a Reference Committee with members of the local community and key stakeholders.

Engagement activities included:

  • Two Community Ideas Forums held at the Reserve.
  • A survey and a forum hosted on ‘Have Your Say’.
  • A resident and park users survey.

What we heard

User of the Park told us they like that Lagoon Reserve because it’s:

  • A short walk from their home.
  • Open space and Greenery.
  • Community atmosphere and ambience of the reserve.
  • Pet friendly.
  • Good landscaping,

Things that participants said that’d like improved:

  • toilets
  • pavilion
  • seats
  • barbeques
  • picnic tables
  • drinking fountains
  • sports field
  • training and safety lighting
  • shade
  • greenery and landscaping,
  • fencing

We have used this feedback to inform the draft concept design.

We will collate and consider all responses received on the draft concept design; the feedback will inform the development of the final concept design.

The final concept design informed by stakeholder feedback will be presented to Council for consideration in 2023.

We would love to hear what you think of our draft concept design.

Your feedback is a vital part of our planning. It helps us make decisions to ensure the Lagoon Reserve becomes a reserve that meets the needs of the local community.

We'd love you to take a look the draft concept design and let us know what you think by:

  • chatting to our team at an onsite drop-in session, or
  • completing the online survey below.

We are taking feedback from Monday 21 November to Sunday 18 December 2022.

A summary of the feedback received will be shared with the community in early 2023.