Project Update

Construction of the final design commenced on 23 October 2023 and the play space opened to the public on 5 December, 2023.

Engagement outcomes

Consultation on the Concept Plan for the reserve was conducted between 5 December and 18 December 2022. Following this, an Engagement Report was prepared to consolidate the feedback and to assist with development of the Final Plan. The main feedback provided by the community included:

  • Reinstating a playground space will create a place to be enjoyed by the whole community.
  • The location of large trees and potentially hazardous exposed root systems area creating issues for playground users and damage to neighbouring properties.
  • Current use of the park is mostly by dog owners and there is a problem of dog poo not being collected.
  • Seven responses supported having a rubbish bin reinstated in the park.

To address the feedback, the Final Plan, for the reserve includes:

  • An accessible seating area and pathway into the reserve
  • Reinstatement of the rubbish bin and a new bin enclosure
  • Play equipment for younger children with rubber softfall surfacing that will not be impacted by tree roots
  • Boulders and logs that can be used for nature-play and to improve biodiversity in the reserve
  • New pockets of native and indigenous low shrub and groundcover planting and an additional tree to provide shade to the seating area.

In response to the feedback about the trees, arborists have undertaken additional inspections and advised that that one (1) of the Eucalyptus trees has lost its central leader and requires removal. The Allocasuarina (Sheoak) tree was assessed to be in good health. It will be retained and the suckering growth will be treated.

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Little Page Reserve Final Plan

Little Page Reserve Final Plan