What has happened so far

Since mid-2022, City of Port Phillip has been involved in the ‘Fast-Tracking Neighbourhood Batteries’ project to identify the local potential and feasibility of neighbourhood batteries.

Thank you to everyone who participated in both stages of our engagement by completing a survey or attending one of our in-person events. Across the three council areas, we heard from over 1000 people.

Throughout this engagement, the community shared with us their strong support for renewable energy and support for neighbourhood batteries being part of the solution.

While we heard from many participants with solar power, we also heard from those who cannot have solar for various reasons. Both groups agreed on the importance of increasing access to renewable energy for those that cannot readily access or afford it.

Most participants were supportive of having a neighbourhood battery in their local area. For those with concerns such as maintenance, safety and long-term viability, there was a genuine interest and willingness to learn more.

You can read the full stage one engagement report here.

The team drew on the stage one engagement findings to progress their work around identifying potential areas for future neighbourhood battery projects.

The three Councils worked with the Yarra Energy Foundation to evaluate potential locations from a technical perspective for future neighbourhood batteries.

Up to five potential locations for Neighbourhood Batteries were identified across each municipality, understanding how local communities feel about a neighbourhood battery in their area and the benefits they want to see.

You can view the proposed areas here.

Map of locations across the Cities of Melbourne, Yarra and Port Phillip.

Proposed areas marked in green.

Involving the community

Thank you for providing your feedback on locations for neighbourhood batteries.

A special thanks to our volunteer ‘Community Champions’ across the three Councils, City of Melbourne, City of Yarra and City of Port Phillip. These passionate advocates helped us to understand our community’s views about neighbourhood batteries and their potential benefits.

You can read about the ‘Community Champions’ and watch the video here

Neighbourhood battery community champions | Power Melbourne | Participate Melbourne )

What happens next?

Following the ‘Fast-Track’ project, City of Port Phillip is one of 22 Councils involved in a project to develop business cases for batteries in specific feasible locations.

The business case will help determine how much income can be earned from neighbourhood batteries, for several potential owners.

The project is led by Yarra Energy Foundation and funded through Victorian Government’s Neighbourhood Battery Initiative. By August 2024, Council will have a business case to apply to the Victorian Government’s 100 Neighbourhood Batteries program, to support implementation of a neighbourhood battery in the City of Port Phillip.