Community consultation commenced on Neville Street Reserve in September 2012 to find out how the reserve is currently used and identify opportunities for future improvement.

Secondary consultation in April 2013 provided further feedback on concept designs and identified key themes. Following consultation with the community, we have prepared two design plan options for Neville Street Reserve.

Download the Neville Street Reserve design options (PDF, 813 KB, 1p.) 

Key Themes 

Some consistent points came through in the conversations we had including:

  • Grade the Reserve to create a flat grass area.
  • More trees and grass but remove the inappropriate and ‘scrappy’ trees.
  • Cater the play area to younger children.
  • Have distinct areas for play and passive recreation.
  • Address the boundary between the park and adjacent residence.

Proposed hedge planting - Magnolia grandiflora  

A row of Magnolia ‘Teddy Bear’ will be planted approximately 600mm from the neighbouring property boundary, as a screening hedge. At planting, trees will be 1.6 to 1.8 metres high and will be pruned to maintain a 1.8 metre height.  

Magnolia grandiflora ‘Teddy Bear’is a dense, evergreen cultivar with fragrant white flowers that bloom in summer. 


Council proposes to update the existing fence around Neville Reserve.  To maximise the grass area, a single entry point will be provided off Neville Streetto connect to the park path. 

A second gate from the lane way was considered, but would reduce available park area to comply with Disability Discrimination Act requirements – therefore a single gate entry is proposed.