This page provides a summary of the feedback we collected from the community during the Neville Street Reserve consultation.

Survey Results

Preferred Option: total votes 36

  • Option 1 with monkey bars  -  75% (27 votes)
  • Option 2 with spinner bowl  -  25% (9 votes)

Crepe Myrtle trees: total votes 33

  • Yes  -  75% (25 votes)
  • No  -  25% (8 votes)
Feedback Comments

Nine respondents commentedon the existing and proposed trees. Comments ranged from proposed trees being too tall and too numerous, locations of proposed trees and requests for trees to screen the back of the reserve to the laneway. Requests for taller native trees, trees for shade and provision for wildlife, evergreen trees in preference to deciduous and requests for no additional trees at all.

Three respondents objected to the removal of the Eucalyptus leucoxylon tree located close to the Neville Street footpath. Unfortunately, the structural integrity of this tree has declined and will therefore need to be removed. The mature Eucalyptus sideroxylon located at the rear eastern corner will be retained.

For further information contact the Open Space team on or phone 9209 6777