We are calling all photographers to enter a photo of what the City of Port Phillip's Foreshore means to you!

Photos can be submitted under four categories, which are - Professional, Amateur, Youth and Children

  • The ‘Youth’ category is open to photographers who are aged between 12 and 18 years at the time they submit their entry.
  • The ‘Children’ category is open to photographers who are aged between 0 and 12 years at the time they submit their entry.

Entrants are permitted to submit any number of entries to categories for which they are eligible.

By submitting your photo, you agree to the Terms and Conditions and Entry Consent Form. View photos below that have already been submitted.

The closing date and time for entries is midnight on Sunday 15 December 2024.

Our Coastal Future Photo Competition – Terms and Conditions of Entry

By entering images into this Competition, the entrant guarantees to the City of Port Phillip that all of the above Terms and Conditions have been met.

We want you to help us celebrate our beautiful city's coastline!