To develop the Sustainable City Community Action Plan we drew on the following community engagement sessions:

1. Council Plan community engagement (30 January to 26 February 2017)

Surveys and workshops were used to develop the Council Plan. Particularly relevant were the workshops devoted to waste and water. You can read about the findings in the“Engagement Findings Report” (2017) available on the Have Your Say: Council Plan 2017-27 page.

2. Council Plan community engagement on draft Plan (21 April to 19 May 2017)

29 submissions were received in relation to sustainability. These submissions included suggestions, comments and criticisms of Council’s approach.

3. Toward Zero Community Forum

The forum is made up of twelve members of the Port Phillip community that have skills, knowledge and commitment regarding environmental sustainability. This group was formed to work with Council to come up with ideas to address the community targets in the original Toward Zero strategy. More recently, they have provided input into this Action Plan.

4. Our Sustainable City Community Action Plan survey (6 July to 11 August 2017)

Over 500 City of Port Phillip residents completed the survey.

5. Our Sustainable City Community Action Plan focus groups (20 June, 21 June and 31 August 2017)

Apartment dwellers, younger people and socially disadvantaged residents are less likely to participate in Council programs and tend not to contribute to community engagement activities. The focus groups were held to ensure these demographic groups had a voice in developing this Action Plan. Two of the focus groups were for residents aged 25 -40 that live in high rise buildings. One group was attended by residents who live in social housing.