Following the first stage of consultation in 2017, these eight key messages have helped inform the proposed actions in the draft Action Plan.

  1. The current state of the environment is in a bad shape but a lot of effort might save it.
  2. Council has a leadership role to play in supporting the community to take sustainable actions.
  3. Living in rented accommodation and/or an apartment building is a huge barrier to taking sustainable actions.
  4. Sustainable solutions can be expensive. You think Council should offer the community greater support, such as through providing a solar bulk buy program or a financing program.
  5. Environmental benefits alone aren't always motivators- convenience and financial savings are important too.
  6. You want Council to evaluate the success of programs and communicate this to you.
  7. Council should look at what other councils are doing and build on existing relationships with the community.
  8. Council should provide more information and education to support behaviour change.