Do you usually park your car in Balaclava, Ripponlea or Elwood?

We are currently reviewing on-street parking restrictions in these suburbs to make better use of the existing parking resources. Give us your feedback on the proposed changes.

See the proposed changes in our online interactive map and then complete the survey by 30 October 2015.

How can I be involved?

Find out what is proposed for your street and have your say:

  • Online - See an interactive map online which indicates the existing parking restrictions and proposed changes and fill out the online survey
  • In person - You can talk to the project team at an information session on Thursday 15 October 4-7pm St Kilda Town Hall (99a Carlisle Street St Kilda) or Wednesday 21 October 4-7pm Elwood St Kilda Neighbourhood Learning Centre (87 Tennyson Street Elwood)

Next steps

While the proposed changes are based on parking occupancy surveys and previous community requests, this consultation forms the most important aspect of the review in terms of gathering community feedback to shape the final plan.

  • November to December 2015 – Council will review feedback to prepare a final plan ofparking changes.
  • February 2016 – Council will communicate the final plan of parking changes to residents and businesses.
  • March to April 2016 - New parking restrictions will be installed where applicable.

Want to know more?