Consultation has concluded

Draft Port Melbourne Waterfront Activation Plan out for comment

The City of Port Phillip is working with the community and business on an Activation Plan for the Port Melbourne Waterfront (Station Pier and Beach Street). The Activation Plan will include short term actions as well as longer term strategies. We will partner with business, local residents and the wider community to achieve this plan.

A draft Port Melbourne Waterfront Activation Plan has been developed following a workshop with members of the local community on Thursday 13 March 2014.

An enthusiastic group of Port Melbourne community and business members came together with Council on Wednesday 21 May to give the draft plan a big tick. The group reviewed the draft Activation Plan and provided input on the actions and further areas that community and business could be involved in to enhance the draft Activation Plan.

We are seeking feedback by close of business Friday 30 May 2014 on the draft Activation Plan.

For more information, please contact the Economic Development team via ASSIST on 03 9209 6777 or via email at

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