Find out about the Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework and the community consultation that informed the draft UDF 2013.

The draft Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework (2011) was released for community consultation between December 2011 to March 2012.

Public submissions on the draft Port Melbourne Waterfront UDF (2011) were heard at an Ordinary Meeting of Council Tuesday 27 March 2012. Council resolved to undertake further strategic work on the Port Melbourne waterfront including detailed design guidelines for 1-7 Waterfront Place that reflect the Urban Design Advice prepared for 1-11 Waterfront Place, Beacon Cove that was adopted by Council in October 2009. A report outlining the process to undertake further detailed strategic work for the draft UDF was presented to Council at a Council meeting on 23 May 2012.

Click here to download a PDF of the Community Consultation Report: December to March 2012

About the UDF 2013

The Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework (2013) includes a vision and principles for the area, design objectives and preferred outcomes for the five public realm precincts. The UDF 2013 focuses on key design opportunities in regards to land use, built form, access and mobility and open space. It no longer references the privately owned sites within the precinct at 1-7 Waterfront Place and 103 Beach Street.

The study area includes five key precincts:

1) Bay and Beach Street Hub
2) Beach Street
3) Waterfront Place
4) Beacon Cove Promenade
5) Princes Pier

The UDF 2013 builds on the draft UDF 2013 and draft UDF 2011 by responding to community feedback and incorporating recommendations from independent technical studies on transport and access, views and vistas and design and development.