The Views and Vistas Study was prepared by urban design consultants David Lock Associates (DLA) to address concerns raised regarding the impact of potential redevelopment at 1-7 Waterfront Place on views and vistas.

The Views and Vistas Study was prepared by urban design consultants David Lock Associates (DLA) to address concerns raised regarding the impact of potential redevelopment at 1-7 Waterfront Place on views and vistas.

In determining the locations of the views analysis, DLA’s overarching principle was that the views considered must be from the public realm and publicly accessible.

In addition, other criteria for defining the sensitive viewpoint locations included:
• places where significant amounts of people congregate and celebrate
• where long vistas are maintained for significant periods
• elevated places where a view or vista across the site towards Melbourne’s skyline is possible
• where a stationary person can obtain a view or vista toward the site, and
• places that have direct and uninterrupted views across the site. A comprehensive survey of potential viewpoint locations was undertaken and the most relevant locations were determined using the criteria above.

These seven viewpoints became the ‘Key Viewpoints’ and the basis of the visual analysis.

Click here to view the Views and Vistas Study
Click here to view the Appendices to the Views and Vistas Study