Streetscape showing outside seating areas set up as part of footpath

Image courtesy of DWG Urban Architectural Landscapes

Our parks are becoming ‘backyards’ for those who don’t have private open space, and urban spaces act as the ‘front porch’ where people meet and interact. In this way, our public spaces are becoming an even more important part of the city’s social fabric.

“Time spent outdoors in green space is good for our physical and mental wellbeing” (VicHeath). Maintaining people’s access to nature through protecting and enhancing the network of green parks is crucial in a built-up city such as Port Phillip. At the same time, we need to look for opportunities to create and design urban spaces that are suited to more intense use, and can play host to public life such as events and markets. Our shopping streets are not traditionally regarded as public space, but in fact offer a significant opportunity to create new urban squares which expand and diversify the network of spaces across the city.

Other considerations for designing spaces for a higher density city include:

  • Creating more flexible spaces, and programing of spaces at different times of the day and night, to cater for the needs of more people.
  • Ensuring spaces are inviting, and protected from overshadowing and wind.
  • Maintaining the safety and security of public spaces, particularly crowded places.
  • Considering the need for more robust materials, such as synthetic turf on some sports grounds, to allow for increased use. Alternatively, programming spaces to allow time for recovery and prevent over-use.
  • Including natural features (e.g. water and landscaping) in urban spaces and, conversely, some hardscape areas within our green parks.

What Council is currently doing

  • Creating and activating new urban squares, such as Acland Plaza.
  • Redesigning spaces to increase public safety and security.
  • Annual Visitor and Summer Management Program to prevent / address public safety during peak periods.
  • Upgrading public lighting to extend the time spaces can be used and to make spaces safer.
  • Reviewing street and beach cleaning to enhance outcomes from these services.
  • Strengthening planning controls to protect solar access to key public spaces: the foreshore, parks and our primary pedestrian streets.


Ways we can transform places to suit a denser city:

  • Creating new urban spaces that activate our shopping streets and reflect the cultural identity of the local neighbourhood.
  • Creating spaces that connect communities through festivals, markets, street parties, cinema and performances.
  • Enhancing our green parks, with options for sun and shade, where people can relax in nature.
  • Designing spaces for extended use across the day and night.

Thought prompters

  • What do you consider are priorities for how we adapt our public spaces for a higher density city?
  • Which opportunities would you like to see implemented in your neighbourhood and where?
  • Do you have other ideas?

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