Do you or your family and friends participate in sports and recreational activities in the City of Port Phillip?

Take a look at our Draft Sport and Recreation Strategy for the next ten years and tell us what you think!

The draft strategy sets our vision and goals for the next years. Our aim is to get the community active and meet their sport and recreation needs.

Take this survey to give us your feedback on the draft strategy. Survey closes on Friday 4th September.

Your feedback counts

Council greatly appreciates your feedback regarding the draft version of this strategy to ensure that it appropriately reflects the City of Port Phillip community.

The community has the opportunity to continue to shape the vision for sport and recreation within the City of Port Phillip for the next 10 years, as they did in 2013 when the initial community consultation occurred; this influenced and provided direction for the current draft document.

*Please note that we are only seeking feedback on the
Draft Sport and Recreation Strategy 2015 - 2024

The documents prepared for this strategy are:

  • Volume 1. Sport and Recreation Strategy 2015-24This document outlines the key strategic directions
    that the organisation will work towards to guide the current and future
    provision of facilities and services to meet the needs of the Port Phillip
    community over the next ten years.
  • Volume 2. Getting Our Community Active – Sport and Recreation Strategy 2015-24:
    Implementation PlanThis document details the Actions and Tasks and the
    associated Key Performance Indicators KPI’s required to achieve Council’s
    defined Goals and Outcomes.
  • Volume 3. Sport and Recreation Strategy 2015-24: Background ReportThis document presents the relevant literature that
    has been reviewed, an assessment of the potential demand for sport and
    recreation in Port Phillip, analysis of the current supply of sport and
    recreation opportunities in Port Phillip, and outlines the findings from
    consultation with sports clubs, peak bodies, schools and the community.

Next Steps

Upon completion of the community consultation, Council will collate and analyse feedback which will then be considered to include in the final strategy document.

More information

To receive project updates or to speak to someone directly contact the Sport and Recreation team contact:

  • Kristian Brudenell – Team Leader Sport and Recreation (9209 6468)
  • Aaron Higginbotham – Sport and Recreation Development Officer (9209 6776)
  • or email