As the facility needs to meet Life Saving Victoria requirements as well as other foreshore considerations, the scope of work for the new building is limited.

A set of principles, and supporting scope and objectives, was presented for community feedback in August/September 2014. These are:

Scope and objectives

  • Adhere to Life Saving Victoria’s ‘Clubhouse of the Future Guidelines’
  • Obtain Coastal Consent from the Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI) under the Coastal Management Act 1995
  • Maintain or improve sightlines along the foreshore for life saving patrol requirements
  • Retain existing palm trees
  • Be compliant with current accessibility and disability requirement
  • Include public amenities
  • Adhere to flood level requirements
  • The existing building height, plus building code and flood level requirements, will be achieved.


  • Be for the purpose of a lifesaving club and all lifesaving activities to maintain beach safety
  • Incorporate sustainable design features
  • Be sympathetic to the coastal setting and use appropriate design, coastal vegetation and materials
  • Complement the design of the new Stokehouse building
  • Have regard to sightlines and views from the beach and Upper Esplanade.

Building materials

As this is a coastal building the materials will be sympathetic to the foreshore, have a longer life span and not deteriorate under coastal conditions.

The Department of Environment and Primary Industries approves the materials to ensure they are suitable.

The current concept design shows a combination of timber and concrete – suitable for coastal conditions, and which doesn’t require expensive ongoing maintenance.

More details on specific materials will be provided during the detailed design process.

More information