The City of Port Phillip is redeveloping the St Kilda Life Saving Club building to ensure the 100 year-old Club has the facilities to continue patrolling Melbourne’s most popular beach.

Thank you for your feedback on the concept design, with regard to meeting scope, objectives and principles.

We have analysed the feedback received online and at the onsite consultation session on 25 October, and provided a summary to Council.

The design of the St Kilda Life Saving Club’s new building was adopted at a Council Meeting on Tuesday 9 December 2014. Council endorsed the concept design presented to the community for a new facility, with one amendment of removing the internal void to maximise the internal community space and improve visibility from the area. As well as delivering the best facilities for beach patrols, the new St Kilda Life Saving Club will include a Changing Places facility to improve disability access.

The next step is to apply for Coastal Consent for the endorsed design, before the project can progress to construction.

More information

St Kilda Lifesaving Club - Concept Designs (3.04 MB) (pdf)

Project Lead: Kirsty Reidy, Coordinator Recreation