Project Update

Thank you to all the residents, visitors, community organisations, and businesses who shared feedback during the community engagement period in February 2024. Your feedback helped inform the next stage of the St Kilda Pier Foreshore Upgrade project.

The concept design has been updated to consider the community feedback, including minor modifications to the pedestrian pathway entrance to the St Kilda Sea Baths, additional seating, drinking fountains, and rubbish bins. You can read the Johnson Street Park Community Engagement Summary Report here.

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If you have any questions, please contact the Open Space Project Delivery Team with this e-mail

Next Steps

Construction will begin mid-July 2025.

We're creating an iconic setting for the new St Kilda pier

We're proposing to extend St Kilda pier to meet Jacka Boulevard and create an iconic visitor experience. Share your feedback on the concept plan to make sure it meets your needs.

Parks Victoria is reconstructing St Kilda Pier to offer better recreation facilities, access to the bay, a safe habitat for the Little Penguins, improved accessibility, toilets, stepped seating, and to maintain the piers historic beach side appeal. The pier project includes initial foreshore works to enhance the pier landing and improve public space for residents and visitors. The famous Mirka Mora artwork will be preserved in the first stage of development. The reconstruction project is expected to finish in late 2024.

The City of Port Phillip is proposing to extend the pier to meet Jacka Boulevard to improve connection to the pier, promenade, park and other St Kilda attractions. The proposed design also includes:

  • a pedestrian plaza extension
  • more seating and trees
  • safety improvements for pedestrians and cyclists.

Although not part of this Draft Concept Plan, Council is also considering the future of the existing kiosk. As part of the initial planning, we would like to understand what additional facilities would draw people to the area and what function the kiosk can play. Understanding this will help us to determine if the kiosk should be upgraded, replaced or removed. The future of the kiosk will be subject to separate Council approval.

Hotspot Map - Draft Concept Plan

Click on the hotspots on the map below to find out more about each proposed feature.

Share your feedback

In October 2017, as part of St Kilda Pier Redevelopment project, Parks Victoria asked the community how they used the site and for ideas/aspirations to improve the entrance to the pier.

The community said that:

  • The current pier entrance is underwhelming
  • The entrance should be an invitation to discover the pier, penguins and local history
  • Create a landscaped, broader entry point to the pier
  • New landscaping could consider the reinstatement of the old pavilion
  • Additional seating would be appreciated
  • Improve lighting to improve connection and safety perceptions

The Draft Concept plan, as well as the works by Parks Victoria, aim to address most of the things we heard from the community in the list above.

Council is currently reviewing the need and the function for the kiosk to decide if it is feasible to reinstate the old pavillion, upgrade the kiosk or remove it altogether.

In December 2021, Parks Victoria agreed to deliver an extended landside section which connects the pier to the promenade (Stage 1). Works will commence following the completion of the new St Kilda Pier in late 2024.

We will review your feedback and make changes to the Darft Concept Plan based on your comments. The design will be finalised by July 2024 and construction will begin in 2025.