Project update

The consultation is now complete

At the Council meeting on 4 May, the consultation findings of the extend opening hours trial were considered.

The consultation used two data collection methods: submissions and intercept surveys. Both consultation methods found that the playgrounds are highly valued for their unique play equipment that has a different and natural aesthetic, the trampolines and the opportunities provided for play that is risky and has a connection to the natural world. However, the results from each method also had some differences. In particular there is a difference in the perceptions of safety with the submissions attributing safety to being reliant / dependent in having staff on site. While the intercept surveys found no significant difference in perceptions of safety when comparing data collected when staff were or weren’t’ present.

The Council report and the consultation findings can be found in the Document Library on this page.

In considering the findings Council passed the following resolution that will direct our work over the next year:

That Council:

  • Notes the findings of the Adventure Playground Extended Open Hours Trial.
  • Recognises that the Skinners Reserve and St Kilda Adventure Playgrounds are much loved, respected, and valued community resources.
  • Notes that immediate work has commenced on addressing safety issues at Skinners Playground and that the trampolines that had to be removed from both playgrounds for safety reasons will shortly be replaced.
  • Notes that the draft budget 2022-23 includes an allocation of $300,000 for rectification work at Skinners in 2022-23.
  • Reaffirms Council’s Commitment to the Adventure Playgrounds, as noted in the Council Plan and 10-year financial plan that allocates $3,445 million to invest in upgrading the Adventure Playgrounds at St Kilda and Skinners Reserve.
  • Adopts the following vision and design principles to frame and guide the upgrades, program review and consultation for the Playground upgrades.
  • The CoPP vision for Adventure Playgrounds is that they provide safe and welcoming spaces that honour diversity, build resilience and creativity, provide social connections, and encourage all children and families to maximise their development outcomes.
  • Endorses the following CoPP design principles to guide the consultation and planning for the upgrades.
  • Adventure Playgrounds will:
    • Facilitate risky (but safe) play
    • Be accessible, safe and welcoming for all: meeting DDA compliance and CEPTED best practice
    • Provide a connection to nature and the natural environment
    • Place children and young people at the heart of design
    • Provide a unique aesthetic that recognises the past and is delivered for the future
  • Directs officers to commence consultation and engagement over 2022/23 on the planned upgrades informed by the above vision and principles, with a particular focus on hearing from children and young people.
  • Directs officers to also review the operations and program models for the Adventure Playgrounds over 2022 /23 to:
  • Ensure programs and operations best deliver on the above vision for Adventure Playgrounds.
  • Identify strategies and opportunities to increase the use of and participation at the Adventure Programs which considers the feedback from stakeholders regarding the extended opening hours trial.
  • Notes that the planned upgrades will cause disruptions and commits to relocate services to alternative facilities wherever possible for the duration of upgrade works.