Consultation has concluded
Thank you for providing feedback, our Waste Management Strategy was endorsed at the Ordinary Meeting of Council on 17 October 2018. You can view the meeting minutes on our website.
Our Waste Management Strategy
The next ten years will bring rapid population growth to the City of Port Phillip and significant changes to the waste industry. Council is committed to meeting these challenges to reduce the impacts of waste on our community and the environment we enjoy.
Our Waste Management Strategy – Don’t Waste It! – is a blueprint for how Council and the community can work together to achieve a sustainable reduction in waste and manage what is left over in the most sustainable way.
It is a long-term vision setting out new targets and strategies for the next four years (2018-2022), and more ambitious goals for the longer term (2022-2028).
Council can’t do this alone! We need to work with our residents, businesses and visitors to be strategic in what we buy and how we reuse and recycle it. Share you views in the survey on waste reduction and management in our community before 30 July 2018.