Consultation has concluded
Thank you to all those who made a submission, viewed the information, or otherwise expressed their interest in the Wellington Street Upgrade project. An overview of the consultation is provided below.
Construction works at Upton Road intersection
The Upton Road intersection remains the delivery priority for stage one of the Wellington Street Upgrade.
Construction on improvement works is scheduled to commence on Tuesday 29 March 2016, weather permitting, and is expected to take approximately 4-6 weeks to complete.
More information about the Upton Road intersection improvements and the Wellington Street Upgrade project is available on Council's website
Consultation overview
We had more than 200 visits to the site with 40 respondents completing the survey or submitting a response.
We consulted on the following proposals for improvements along Wellington Street:
Upton Road intersection
The proposal for an upgrade to the Upton Road intersection was broadly supported with 84% of respondents supporting or strongly supporting the proposed changes. 11% opposed or strongly opposed the changes.
Dandenong Road intersection
Respondents broadly supported upgrading the Dandenong Road intersection. Option 1 was preferred over option 2.
The more extensive option 1 resulted in 76% of respondents supporting or strongly supporting the proposed changes. 22% opposed or strongly opposed the changes.
Option 2 resulted in 43% of respondents supporting or strongly supporting the proposed changes and 32% opposed or strongly opposed the changes. 24% neither opposed nor supported proposal.
Central median trees
76% of respondents supported or strongly supported the proposed adjusted street profile and the introduction of trees in the central median. 14% opposed or strongly opposed the proposal.
Opinions on tree species were divided with 49% preferring one of the deciduous options, while 41% would like to see the Spotted Gum. The Spotted Gum had the most support although also the most opposition with several community members strongly opposed to their introduction.
Kerb outstands
There was broad support for additional kerb outstands in Wellington Street with 87% supporting or strongly supporting their introduction. 8% opposed their introduction.
School crossing
49% wished to see the crossing retained for use before and after school. 32% supported the removal of the crossing.
Next steps
Council officers will continue to refine the design into a final concept based on feedback received.
The remaining works are subject to funding over future years.
For more information contact Council via ASSIST on 03 9209 6777 or