Consultation has concluded
Thank you for your feedback on the question of whether events should be held at Marina Reserve during the February - April community consultation.
Following the consultation we presented your feedback to Councillors in an open public meeting on 26 May where it was agreed that Port Phillip Council will ask the State Government to allow events to be held at Marina Reserve.
The decision, agreed at the Council meeting, follows a successful trial junior skating competition in March at the St Kilda skate park and also extensive community consultation.
Below is a summary of feedback we have received:
- A total of 850 surveys were completed, including 136 local residents door knocked, 363 before and after on-site surveys, 120 surveys during the event and 231 online surveys.
- Overall 72.4 per cent of people surveyed supported events being held at Marina Reserve. Local resident support increased to 80.9 per cent (from 75 per cent) after a family-friendly skate event was held.
Next steps
Port Phillip Council will ask the State Government to allow events to be held at Marina Reserve. If State planning permission is granted, Council can then consider permitting Council endorsed skate lesson programs in school holidays and events which meet our Outdoor Events Policy.
More information
Any questions can be directed to Dana Pritchard, Team Leader Events at
Marina Reserve Survey
2015 Marina Reserve Survey
Please take a moment to tell us what you think about having events within the reserve i.e skate events, competitions, or on-site providers i.e. skate programs during school holidays by completing this survey.
Disclaimer: All responses are anonymous and no IP addresses are tracked. Any feedback made via this questionnaire may be published and used as part of a Council report. For more information about Council’s Privacy Policy contact Council’s Privacy Officer via ASSIST on 9209 6777.
Consultation has concluded