How supportive are you of the concept plan overall? Required
Very supportive
Somewhat supportive
Neither supportive nor unsupportive
Somewhat unsupportive
Not supportive at all
What do you think of the proposed look and feel of the redevelopment design? Required Proposed look and feel for EcoCentre Redevelopment
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied
Very unsatisfied

About you

We'd like to understand who we're talking to, and appreciate you taking the time to answer the following demographic questions.

The personal information provided in this section is being collected by Council for the purpose of providing a demographic snapshot of contributions to this project. Demographic data allows Council to assess whether it is providing all areas of the community with an opportunity to become involved and be heard. Your personal information will be used solely by Council for this primary purpose or directly related purposes. Demographic data may be published and used as part of a Council report. It is optional to provide us with your demographic data and contact details. Your details will be used to provide you with project updates and will be kept confidential. For more information contact Council’s Privacy Officer via ASSIST on 9209 6777.

What is your connection to the EcoCentre redevelopment? Select all that apply. Required

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.