Council will use a range of qualitative and quantitative information collected during the trial of the pop-up park to make a decision on its future.

This includes:

  • User audit—number of users, activities, use, demographics of park users.
  • Survey—online at Have Your Say
  • 700 paper surveys mailed out to local area.
  • Demographics—Albert Park, APPS
  • Focus group x 2 - residents adjacent to parkand APPS

This information will help to make decisions on:

  • Sociability - how the community are using this space and whether it is perceived as inclusive or exclusive
  • Users and activities - find out how people are using the park, what’s working, what’s not working and ideas for the future.
  • Access and linkages - assess the impact of changed traffic conditions and reduced parking on residents, the school and local businesses.
  • Comfort and image - find out current perceptions of safety, cleanliness and comfortability of the park for users as well as impact on adjacent residences.

For a summary of this information download Assessing the success of the trial (PDF, 174 KB, 1 p).

For a diagram of criteria you can use to assess the qualities of a successful space download Qualities of a successful space (PDF, 174 KB, 1 p.)