Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.

You can view the Feedback Summary and the Act and Adapt Sustainable Environment Strategy 2018-28 below.

We are proud to have an engaged and committed community who are passionate about sustainability. We will need to work collaboratively with the community to meet our sustainability challenges head on and we need your help.

We first published our ten-year Act and Adapt: Sustainable Environment Strategy, in 2018, in response to the many sustainability challenges we face. Under five priority areas, the strategy set the direction for City of Port Phillip’s long-term commitment to environmental sustainability for the organisation and the wider community.

The strategy established a pathway to transition Port Phillip into a greener, cooler, more liveable city with lower carbon emissions, a water sensitive city that is adapting and resilient to climate change and with a sustained reduction in waste.

What we've done so far

Over the past year, we reviewed the priorities and actions we set in 2018. We also looked at what has changed in the political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental context to ensure we develop a contemporary and relevant strategy that considers our current challenges.

We held workshops and undertook surveys with staff and with community partners. We reviewed changes inside and outside the municipality that have affected our goals. Lastly, we benchmarked Act and Adapt against sustainability-focused strategies at other councils.

We used this information to inform changes to targets, actions and indicators in. As part of this review, we have refined some activities and simplified how we measure our progress under either Council or Community indicators.

Our five priority areas

Actions within this Strategy will influence:

  • city planning and urban design
  • emissions reduction
  • waste and water management
  • and community outreach.

Actions will embed sustainability into Council operations and projects to ensure we are working towards a more sustainable future.

Our strategy includes areas where City of Port Phillip can take direct action and actions where we will work with the community and partners. To get the best outcomes, we must collaborate on many priorities.

We will measure progress across:

  • Eleven Council targets
  • Two Council indicators
  • Five community aspirations
  • Three community indicators