Complete the survey

We are looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday for our final session. Instead of pre-reading for this workshop, you are asked to instead complete this survey by 6pm Sunday 23 February.

Details of Tuesday's session are:

Tuesday 25 February

6pm-8.30pm (2.5 hours)

St Kilda Town Hall (99a Carlisle Street, St Kilda)

Your questions from sessions

This space is for questions that came up during our sessions. We will continue to add answers as we receive them. Currently, we're working through the many questions submitted after the latest session on Sunday 16 February and will have answers up by the end of this week. Due to the large number of questions, we'll prioritise those that are most important for your deliberation. We won't be addressing those which we were unable to read, unfortunately. Thank you for your patience!

Session 3 Questions

Provide a short summary of your question.

You have 150 characters left

Provide detailed information relating to your question.

You have 500 characters left

Select a respondent from the list that you would most like to answer your question.

Moderation Policy

These are the people that are listening and responding to your questions.

Plan for Port Phillip team

{{ question.username }} asked


{{ }}
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Answer this question

Select the respondent who will be marked as answering the question

Provide the answer to the question. Answer can be saved as draft and published when complete.

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Chat to other panel members

This is a space where you can chat to other panel members. If you add a comment below, others in the group will be able to respond to you, and vice-versa! Note: All our Have Your Say pages are moderated, so your comments may not appear straight away.
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