How can Council encourage the use of sustainable transport in our City?

<p>With increasing population growth within our City and very limited opportunities to expand the capacity of our local road network, traffic congestion is likely to increase. The most effective way of reducing congestion is for people to use public transport, ride bikes or walk rather than use their car. </p><p>There are a number of ways that Council can encourage the use of sustainable transport, including: <ul> <li>Investing in more bike lanes and improved pedestrian facilities, funded through a combination of rates, increased parking fees or borrowings</li> <li>Discouraging car use, as well as managing the demand for limited parking spaces, by increasing the cost of car parking</li> <li>Advocating to the State Government for the delivery of key public transport projects. </li> </ul></p> <p>Of the oportunities outlined above, which of these do you support?</p> <p>Are there any other options to encourage suitainable transport choices that Council should consider?</p>
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