The City of Port Phillip faces significant changes resulting from population growth, urbanisation, changing economic conditions, technology advances and climate change. The Council Plan 2017-27 sets outs how we will support the outcomes we seek for a liveable, inviting and caring City for our residents, businesses and visitors. We review, update and improve the Council Plan every year, including reporting back on our progress towards achieving the outcomes of the plan, our financial performance and project delivery and develop our annual budget. We want your feedback on the Council Plan and Budget to make sure they continue to reflect what our community needs.

A focus of the first year of our Council Plan 2017-27 was to develop supporting strategies to help us achieve the plan’s outcomes and vision.

As part of the feedback we are collecting on the Council Plan and Budget, we’re seeking feedback on our draft A Sustainable Future (Sustainable Environment Strategy) and draft Creative and Prosperous City Strategy. Both strategies have informed the changes to the Council Plan 2017-27, and both were developed to guide how Council implements the priorities outlined in the Council Plan.

We want your feedback on the Council Plan and Budget to make sure they continue to reflect what our community needs.

To 'have your say' you can:

Please note completing the Council Plan Directions survey will also encompass feedback towards both draft strategies.