The draft Structure Plan focuses on the activity centre which includes the commercial and residential areas along Bay Street and Crockford Street, and the areas south of Graham Street.
It also identifies initiatives for the broader area bound by Pickles and Boundary Streets, the light rail, reserve and foreshore.
The draft Structure Plan focuses on the Bay Street Major Activity Centre which includes the commercial and residential areas along Bay Street and Crockford Street, and the areas south of Graham Street.
It also identifies initiatives for the broader area bound by Pickles and Boundary Streets, the light rail reserve and foreshore.
Bay Street, Port Melbourne will remain a focus for retail and business activity and community life as the area experiences incremental residential growth. It is important that the character of the centre is retained as renewal in Bay Street and surrounding areas occur.
The draft Structure Plan is presented in two parts:
- Draft Structure Plan - Part 1 (PDF, 4 MB, 78 pp.)
- Draft Precinct and Projects - Part 2 (PDF, 2.6 MB, 48 pp.)
Technical studies
The draft Structure Plan has been informed by a suite of technical studies, which deal with land use, built form, heritage, access and movement, and public realm improvements.These can be accessed at the Bay Street Major Activity Centre Structure Plan page.
Your feedback
During previous consultations, you told us what you value and like, including the:
- mix of shops
- community and village ‘feel’
- convenience and accessibility of the centre
- location close to beach and city
- wide and open streetscapes.
You also told us what you dislike, including the:
- traffic speed and traffic noise
- intersection of Bay and Liardet Street
- limited parking
- limited variety and mix of shops
- lack of landscaping in streets.
Download the Community consultation summary (PDF, 48 KB, 7 pp.)
Key strategic directions
Community feedback helped inform the following key themes of the draft Structure Plan:
- Activity and business mix – Extend the business mix and integration of land use activities in Bay Street, with an emphasis on local convenience and shopping for the Port Melbourne community.
- Housing opportunities - Facilitate remaining opportunities for housing growth within the activity centre whilst protecting the heritage, low-rise character and amenity of surrounding established residential areas.
- Connecting the community - Strengthen Bay Street’s ‘sense of place’ and its role as a local civic and community hub.
- Reinforcing urban character - Maintain and reinforce the distinct and contrasting urban character of different precincts to form a sequence of urban experiences across the activity centre.
- Sustainable access and movement - Enhance the amenity, safety and function of the activity centre through reducing the impact of traffic.
- Integrated public realm - Enhance the connectivity, cohesion and identity of Bay Street through ensuring the public realm and continuous ‘active’ edges act as integrating elements.
- Sustainable precinct - Facilitate the evolution of the activity centre as an ecologically sustainable precinct which achieves a progressive reduction in local energy consumption.
The Bay Street Structure Plan will be implemented through an amendment to the Port Phillip Planning Scheme, Council’s capital works program and other programs and services, and in partnership with local businesses and community organisations.
More information
- Bay Street Structure Plan - on the City of Port Phillip website