This consultation has concluded.
Upgrade works are now completed on the southern side of Eastern Reserve.
Eastern Reserve - northern side
New fencing is currently being erected on the northern side of Eastern Reserve. The use of fencing in this area as outlined in the concept design has been informed by community feedback as a way to create a safer open space environment for active and passive recreation for all ages.
View the Eastern Reserve north fence plan (PDF, 226 KB, 1 pp.)
The fence is located to the outside of trees to maximise available space in the park and ensure the two sides of Eastern Reserve look consistent.
Following completion of works at the northern side of Eastern Reserve, this area has been identified as a location for an off leash dog trial.
Community consultation
Community consultation at Eastern Reserve occurred in November 2011, March 2012, April 2013 and May 2013. Take a look at the consultation process we used.
The May 2013 consultation was an additional consultation and occurred on Saturday May 11 and Wednesday May 22 at Eastern Reserve north. In addition, an online survey was available on this webpage from May 3 to May 27. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.
From a total of 115 respondents 61 were in favour of the fence, 51 were not in favour and 3 were neutral.
You can view the community consultation feedback report here.
Here is a snapshot of what you told us:
More information
For any enquiries or more information please contact Christa Mitchell, Landscape Architect, Parks and Open Spaces or phone ASSIST on 9209 6777.